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2022 5-GM-1-3

Page history last edited by Corinne Beasler 4 months, 4 weeks ago


5.GM.1.3 Recognize and draw a net for a three-dimensional figure (e.g., cubes, rectangular prisms, pyramids).

In a Nutshell

In this objective, students will be able to visualize a three-dimensional shape when given a net, and additionally, create a net when given a three-dimensional shape.  This is their first experience with nets of objects. 


Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop strategies for problem-solving by working in groups to make and test conjectures about the appearance and creation of nets for a three-dimensional figure.

  • Develop the ability to make conjectures, model, and generalize by representing nets for three-dimensional figures using concrete materials, pictures, and symbols.

  • Develop a deep and flexible conceptual understanding by investigating, describing, and reasoning about the results of subdividing, combining, and transforming shapes when drawing a net for a three-dimensional figure.

  • Develop the ability to communicate mathematically by drawing on the background knowledge of geometric terms and the analysis of the mathematical definitions of a net.


  • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking by helping students organize, record, represent, and communicate their thinking.

  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem-solving by challenging students to think deeply about three-dimensional figures through the use of interdisciplinary applications of two and three-dimensional shapes. 

  • Support productive struggle in learning mathematics by providing opportunities to construct, deconstruct, and forecast 3D shapes.


Key Understandings


  • Recognize nets for a cube, rectangular prism, and pyramids.  

  • Understand that a 3-D figure can have more than one possible net.

  • Draw a net for a cube, rectangular prism, and pyramid.

  • Visualize all sides of a 3-D figure, even the ones they can’t see.


  • Student tendency is if they can’t see it in the picture, the face or edge is not there.

  • Student tendency is to think there is only one possible net for each figure.

  • Student tendency is to think the problem has to be in a traditional orientation for the net to be produced. 

  Knowledge Connections

Prior Knowledge

Leads to 

  • Name, describe, classify, and construct polygons and three-dimensional figures based on their attributes (4.GM.1.3).


  • Use translations, reflections, and rotations to establish congruence and understand symmetry (not on a coordinate plane) (7.GM.1.1, 7.GM.1.2). 

Sample Assessment Items

The Oklahoma State Department of Education is releasing sample assessment items to illustrate how state assessments might be designed to measure specific learning standards/objectives. These examples are intended to provide teachers and students with a clearer understanding of how the state assesses Oklahoma's academic standards and their objectives. It is important to note that these sample items are not intended to be used for diagnostic or predictive purposes. Ways to incorporate the items.









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