Grade-Level Mathematics Actions and Processes
Descriptions of the Mathematics Actions and Processes provide a sense of what students are doing as they develop into mathematically literate students.

Suggested Learning Progression

Objective Analysis
Analysis for each grade-level objective is provided in a manner to support deep understanding for the teacher.
Engagement Strategies
Educators can engage their students in math activities using these strategies.
An Introduction to Statistics & Probability
The mathematics learning experience in Statistics & Probability builds on the student’s prior experiences throughout middle and high school. Students in this course continue to deepen their mathematical understanding of the world around them as they interpret real-world phenomena using statistics and probability. Students will persevere through problem-solving processes and communicate their ideas mathematically as they gather data, analyze it and interpret the results of statistical distributions. Students will build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding in five strands: Statistical Questions, distinguishing various distributions and types of data; Data Collection, comparing and contrasting different sampling techniques; Data Analysis, calculating standard deviation and analyzing associations between two variables; Interpretation of Results, evaluating real-world claims and conclusions; and Probability, determining joint and conditional probabilities along with interpreting the results to make decisions. This Statistics and Probability course prepares students for upper-level math courses and career paths.
Introduction to the OKMath Framework
Probability & Statistics Introduction

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