
2022 PK-N-3-1 (redirected from UPDATED PK-N-3-1)

Page history last edited by Gena Barnhill 1 year, 8 months ago


PK.N.3.1 Compare two sets of 1-5 objects using comparative language such as same, more, or fewer. 

In a Nutshell

This objective focuses on developing the concept of quantity. By the end of the year, students should be able to look at two separate groups of objects and use mathematical vocabulary (such as more/less) to describe their relationship.


Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Communicate mathematically by using appropriate math vocabulary when comparing quantities.

  • Make generalizations as they compare sets of different quantities.


  • Connect mathematical representations by modeling and using appropriate math vocabulary when comparing quantities.

  • Promote reasoning by providing students with tasks and opportunities to compare sets of different quantities.


Key Understandings


  • More means a larger amount. 

  • Fewer means a smaller amount.

  • Equal means the exact same amount. 

  • Confusing the definitions of quantity-specific vocabulary.

  • When asked to compare, gives the number counted instead of using the appropriate vocabulary. 

  Knowledge Connections

Prior Knowledge

Leads to 

  • Subitize up to 5

  • Understand that quantity is an attribute of a group


  • Find 1 more or 1 less up to 10 (K.N.1.7)

  • Compare and order numbers 0 to 10 using "more than,” “less than,” or “equal to” (K.N.1.8) 








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