2022 Kindergarten Learning Progression
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by Chance Stone 3 months, 1 week ago
Welcome to the learning progression for Kindergarten. This progression incorporates the overall topics of this grade-level's mathematics and is formatted with Overarching Questions, Essential Questions, and Big Ideas for each unit. This progression model takes the work of bundling standards to the next level by grouping together grade-level concepts in the Big Ideas sections. The Big Ideas are designed to represent the critical mathematics of this grade level in a manner that is more coherent and productive as a guide for planning instruction, assessment, and intervention. Big Ideas are for progression and planning and are not a replacement for the OAS-M objectives.
Click on the unit numbers below to see essential understandings, student activities, and suggested sequencing.
The use of an asterisk (*) indicates an objective is repeated in another unit or an objective that is partially taught in a unit and will be taught in its entirety in a later unit. The parts of the objective that will be taught in a later unit is indicated by the “strikethroughs.” Occasionally, new words are added to the objective to ensure the objective still makes sense considering the strikethroughs.
Unit Questions
Essential Questions
Big Ideas
Full Objectives
Unit 0:
Math Meeting/ Routines & Procedures
1-3 weeks
What procedures do you need within the class to ensure a productive mathematical experience?
2022 K-N-1-7
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. How does math benefit me?
5. Where do I see math?
A daily math meeting/calendar time is an integral part of the kindergarten math experience.
K.N.1.1 Count aloud forward in sequence to 100 by 1’s and 10’s.
K.N.1.2 Recognize that a number can be used to represent how many objects are in a set up to 10.
K.N.1.4 Recognize without counting (subitize) the quantity of a small group of objects in organized and random arrangements up to 10.
K.N.4.1 Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters by name.
K.GM.3.1 Develop an awareness of simple time concepts using words such as yesterday, today, tomorrow, morning, afternoon, and night within his/her daily life.
K.D.1.1 Collect and sort information about objects and events in the environment.
K.N.1.7 Find a number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number up to 10.*
K.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, complete, and extend repeating, shrinking and growing patterns involving shape, color, size, objects, sounds, movement, and other contexts.*
Unit 1:
Math and Me
6-8 weeks
How does math impact our daily living?
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. Where do I recognize math?
5. How does math benefit me?
1. Numbers- I can use numbers to count and show position.
2. Patterns- I can use patterns to make sense of disorder.
3. Shapes- Shapes have specific names and properties
4. Data- Words tell how things are alike and different.
K.N.1.3 Use ordinal numbers to represent the position of an object in a sequence up to 10.
K.N.1.6 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20. Representations may include numerals, pictures, real-object and pictographs, spoken words, and manipulatives.*
K.A.1.1 Sort and group up to 10 objects into a set based upon characteristics such as color, size, and shape. Explain verbally what the objects have in common.*
K.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, complete, and extend repeating, increasing, and decreasing patterns in a variety of contexts (i.e., shape, color, size, objects, sounds, movement).*
K.GM.1.1 Recognize squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles.
K.GM.1.4 Use smaller two-dimensional shapes to fill in the outline of a larger two-dimensional shape.
K.GM.2.1 Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight, position, and location.*
Unit 2:
Math at School
9 weeks
How is math important at s
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. Where do I recognize math?
5. How does math benefit me?
1. Numbers- I use numbers to count and show position.
2. Patterns- I can use patterns to make sense of disorder.
3. Shapes- Shapes have specific names and properties.
4. Data - Words tell how things are alike and different.
K.N.1.5 Count forward, with and without objects, from any given number up to 20.*
K.N.1.6 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20. Representations may include numerals, pictures, real objects and pictographs, spoken words, and manipulatives.*
K.N.2.1 Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 using objects and pictures.
K.N.3.1 Distribute a set of objects into at least two smaller equal sets.
K.A.1.1 Sort and group up to 10 objects into a set based upon characteristics such as color, size, and shape. Explain verbally what the objects have in common.*
K.A.1.2 Recognize, duplicate, complete, and extend repeating, increasing, and decreasing patterns in a variety of contexts (i.e., shape, color, size, objects, sounds, movement).*
K.GM.1.2 Sort two-dimensional objects using characteristics such as shape and size.
K.GM.1.3 Identify attributes of two-dimensional shapes using informal and formal geometric language interchangeably, such as the number of corners/vertices and the number of sides/edges.*
K.GM.2.1 Use words to compare objects according to length, size, weight, position, and location.*
K.GM.2.2 Order up to 6 (3) objects using measurable attributes, such as length and weight.*
K.GM.2.4 Compare the number of objects needed to fill two different containers.
Unit 3:
Math in the Community
9 weeks
Where do I recognize math in my community?
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. Where do I recognize math?
5. How does math benefit me?
1. Numbers- I use numbers to count and show position.
2. Patterns- I can use patterns to make sense of disorder.
3. Shapes- Shapes have specific names and properties.
4. Data - Words tell how things are alike and different.
K.N.1.5 Count forward, with and without objects, from any given number up to 20.*
K.N.1.6 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20. Representations may include numerals, pictures, real objects and pictographs, spoken words, and manipulatives.*
K.N.1.7 Find a number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number up to 10.
K.N.2.1 Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.*
K.N.3.1 Distribute a set of objects into at least two smaller equal sets.*
K.A.1.1 Sort and group up to 10 objects into a set based upon characteristics such as color, size, and shape. Explain verbally what the objects have in common.
K.GM.1.3 Identify attributes of two-dimensional shapes using informal and formal geometric language interchangeably.*
K.GM.1.5 Compose larger, undefined shapes and structures using three-dimensional objects.
K.GM.1.6 Use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to represent objects in the real world.
K.GM.2.2 Order up to 6 objects using measurable attributes, such as length and weight.*
K.GM.2.3 Sort objects into sets by more than one attribute.
K.D.1.2 Use categorical data to create real-object and pictographs.
Unit 4:
Math in our World
9 weeks
Where do I recognize math in the world?
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. Where do I recognize math?
5. How does math benefit me?
1. Numbers- I use numbers to count and show position.
2. Patterns- I can use patterns to make sense of disorder.
3. Shapes- Shapes have specific names and properties.
4. Data - Words tell how things are alike and different.
K.N.1.6 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20. Representations may include numerals, pictures, real objects and pictographs, spoken words, and manipulatives.
K.N.1.5 Count forward, with and without objects, from any given number up to 20.*
K.N.1.8 Compare and order whole numbers from 0 to 10 with and without objects, using the vocabulary "more than,” “less than,” or “equal to.”
K.N.2.1 Compose and decompose numbers up to 10 with objects and pictures.
K.N.3.1 Distribute equally a set of objects into at least two smaller equal sets.
K.A.1.1 Sort and group up to 10 objects into a set based upon characteristics such as color, size, and shape. Explain verbally what the objects have in common.*
K.GM.1.5 Compose larger, undefined shapes and structures using three-dimensional objects.
K.GM.1.6 Use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to represent objects in the real world.*
K.D.1.3 Draw conclusions from real-object and pictographs.
Culminating Unit |
Where do I recognize math in the world? |
1. What is math?
2. Why is math important?
3. How do I use math?
4. Where do I recognize math?
5. How does math benefit me?
This is a great culminating unit for the wonderful math concepts that your Kindergarteners have been learning all year! |
Distance Learning Resources/ Supplemental Activities |
How can students develop and show evidence of understanding? |
Multiple objectives are covered in this material. These math tasks are designed to enhance current curriculum and support distance learning. |
Introduction to the OKMath Framework
Kindergarten Introduction

2022 Kindergarten Learning Progression
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