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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

PK.N.1.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0 - 10.

In a Nutshell

Numerals are symbols that stand for a number (quantity). Students entering Pre-K may have little to no prior exposure to numerals and their names. By the end of Pre-K, students should be able to look at a numeral, recognize it, and name it. This skill is best solidified when the numeral and its name are used in conjunction with the quantity (Point to the number that shows how old you are).  

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Construct conceptual understanding by counting objects.
  • Develop a mathematical disposition by identifying numerals around the room (on signs, posters, etc.) and engaging in independent practice activities that allow them to match the quantity with the numeral (centers).
  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning by providing multiple opportunities for students to see the written numeral and the quantity (the number 3 written next to 3 items). 
  • Connect mathematical representation by  providing opportunities for counting objects and asking, “how many?” then using the correct numeral to show the quantity.
  • Connect mathematical representation by pointing out numbers around the room in real world situations.

Key Understandings


  • Each written numeral has its own name.
  • Written numerals represent a specific quantity.
  • Calling numerals by another numeral or letter name.


OKMath Framework Introduction

PreK Grade Introduction

PreK Math Standards

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