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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

A2.A.1.4 Solve polynomial equations with real roots using various methods and tools that may include factoring, polynomial division, synthetic division, graphing calculators or other appropriate technology.

In a Nutshell

Students will learn a variety of methods to solve polynomials equations, including factoring, polynomial and/or synthetic division and technology.  They will learn to identify the most efficient method to solve a given polynomial equation.

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Students will develop a deep and flexible conceptual understanding and can explain the mathematical basis for the relationship between solving for real roots, finding a solution, finding the zeros or finding the x-intercepts.

  • Students will develop strategies for solving polynomial equations by selecting from a variety of problem solving strategies including factoring, division and graphing calculators. 


  • Implement tasks for students to use varied approaches and strategies, such as factoring, polynomial division, and graphing technology,  to make sense of and solve polynomial equations.

  • Support students in productive struggle by anticipating what students might struggle with while solving polynomial equations and be prepared to support them productively through the struggle. 



Key Understandings


  • Identify the standard form of a polynomial.

  • Identify the best method to solve a polynomial equation.

  • Understand the various methods of solving polynomials including factoring, division, and graphing and be able to switch between methods if necessary.

  • Identify solutions of an equation f(x) = 0 as the x-intercepts of the graph of f(x), and know the relationship between solutions, roots, zeros, x-intercepts and factors. 


  • Students may try to factor a polynomial that cannot be factored.

  • Students try to use synthetic division when it’s not possible.

  • Students do not put the equation in standard form before solving.

  • The student may forget to use a zero coefficient in place of any missing terms when dividing.


OKMath Framework Introduction

Algebra 2 Grade Introduction



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