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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

3.D.1.2 Solve one- and two-step problems using categorical data represented with a frequency table, pictograph, or bar graph with scaled intervals.

In a Nutshell

This objective builds upon the student’s foundational knowledge of graphs. They are already able to organize data, solve one-step word problems, and draw conclusions from a pictograph or bar graph. Now they are going one step further by learning how to analyze a frequency table as well as solve two-step word problems using a given graph.

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop procedural fluency by accurately reading data within a graph using the keys, scale, and labels.

  • Demonstrate mathematical reasoning when determining which operation or strategy to use in order to solve the word problem.

  • Make conjectures when justifying answers to one and two-step word problems using the data within the graph representation.

  • Communicate mathematically with peers using appropriate academic vocabulary.
  • Pose purposeful questions to help students recall prior knowledge and justify their thinking. Questions may include: How does the scale help us understand the data? How do we solve the problem using the graph? Is there another strategy to reading the graph that we can use to find the answer to this problem?

  • Implement tasks that give students real-world examples of using graphs to help develop their mathematical disposition.

  • Elicit student thinking by encouraging a variety of approaches to a solution.

Key Understandings


  • Reading the scale and key of a graph is imperative to understanding the data.

  • How data is organized based on the titles and labels.

  • A graph is an informational tool.

  • Solving one- and two-step graphing word problems is an extension of basic problem-solving.

  • The scale is always one or ignores the key/scales altogether.

  • Graphs are only used to show “favorites” or who “won”.

  • The answers to multi-step problems should only be numbers (i.e. instead of answering, “Who read the most books in September?” they answer the question “What was the highest amount of books read in September?”).

  • “More” means to add. Example: “How many more books did Shelly read than Toby?” They may think to add a number of books Shelly and Toby read altogether.

OKMath Framework Introduction

3rd Grade Introduction

3rd Grade Math Standards


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