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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

3.N.2.6 Represent division facts by using a variety of approaches, such as repeated subtraction, equal sharing, and forming equal groups.

In a Nutshell

Students come to third grade with a basic understanding of addition facts and related subtraction facts up to 10, and expand their fluency to include facts up to 20. This objective will take that knowledge to introduce and develop a deep understanding of division.

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop strategies for problem solving such as repeated subtraction, using number lines, forming equal groups, equal-sharing (There are 10 cookies and 5 children. How many cookies will each child get?), and forming equal groups. 

  • Demonstrate mathematical reasoning  when comparing and contrasting which strategy to use to solve the problem.

  • Demonstrate a conceptual understanding when determining when to use division to solve problems.

  • Communicate mathematically when writing division equations to match a given division representation.


  • Connect mathematical representations when modeling division in a variety of ways and allow students to develop their own that use division to solve problems

  • Implement real life tasks that allow students to solve division problems using multiple strategies.

  • Monitor students as they work, asking purposeful questions to spark discussion and thought. Questions may include: Which strategy makes the most sense to you? What mathematical connections can we make when we solve this problem? How does a visual help us further understand the problem?




Key Understandings


  • How division and subtraction are related.

  • There is more than one way to represent/solve division equations.

  • The answer to the division problem (quotient) will be less than the number being divided (dividend).


  • They know how to divide, but do not know when to divide.

  • Multiplication facts are the same as division facts.

  • There is the best way to represent division facts.

  • Whenever the words “equal groups” is used, they must multiply to find the answer.

OKMath Framework Introduction

3rd Grade Introduction

3rd Grade Math Standards

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