Number & Operations (N)
3.N.1 Compare and represent whole
numbers up to 100,000 with an emphasis on place value and equality.
3.N.1.1 Read, write, discuss, and represent whole numbers up to 100,000. Representations may include numerals, expressions with operations, words, pictures, number lines, and manipulatives.
3.N.1.2 Use place value to describe whole numbers between 1,000 and 100,000 in terms of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones, including expanded form.
3.N.1.3 Find 10,000 more or 10,000 less than a given five-digit number. Find 1,000 more or 1,000 less than a given four- or five-digit number. Find 100 more or 100 less than a given four- or five-digit number.
3.N.1.4 Use place value to compare and order whole numbers up to 100,000, using comparative language, numbers, and symbols
3.N.2 Add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers; multiply with factors up to 10; represent multiplication and division in various ways; Solve real-world and mathematical problems through the representation of related operations.
3.N.2.1 Represent multiplication facts by using a variety of approaches, such as repeated addition, equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on a number line and skip counting.
3.N.2.2 Demonstrate fluency of multiplication facts with factors up to 10
3.N.2.3 Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value and equality to fluently add and subtract multi-digit numbers.
3.N.2.4 Recognize when to round numbers and apply understanding to round numbers to the nearest ten thousand, thousand, hundred, and ten and use compatible numbers to estimate sums and differences.
3.N.2.5 Use addition and subtraction to solve real-world and mathematical problems involving whole numbers. Use various strategies, including the relationship between addition and subtraction, the use of technology, and the context of the problem to assess the reasonableness of results.
3.N.2.6 Represent division facts by using a variety of approaches, such as repeated subtraction, equal sharing and forming equal groups.
3.N.2.7 Recognize the relationship between multiplication and division to represent and solve real-world problems.
3.N.2.8 Use strategies and algorithms based on knowledge of place value, equality and properties of addition and multiplication to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.
3.N.3 Understand meanings and uses of fractions in real-world and mathematical situations.
3.N.3.1 Read and write fractions with words and symbols. |
3.N.3.2 Construct fractions using length, set, and area models. |
3.N.3.3 Recognize unit fractions and use them to compose and decompose fractions related to the same whole. Use the numerator to describe the number of parts and the denominator to describe the number of partitions. |
3.N.3.4 Use models and number lines to order and compare fractions that are related to the same whole. |
3.N.4 Determine the value of a set of coins or bills.
3.N.4.1 Use addition to determine the value of a collection of coins up to one dollar using the cent symbol and a collection of bills up to twenty dollars. |
3.N.4.2 Select the fewest number of coins for a given amount of money up to one dollar.
Algebraic Reasoning & Algebra (A)
3.A.1 Describe and create representations of numerical and geometric patterns.
3.A.1.1 Create, describe, and extend patterns involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication to solve problems in a variety of contexts.
3.A.1.2 Describe the rule (single operation) for a pattern from an input/output table or function machine involving addition, subtraction, or multiplication.
3.A.1.3 Explore and develop visual representations of growing geometric patterns and construct the next steps.
3.A.2 Use number sentences involving multiplication and unknowns to represent and solve real-world and mathematical problems.
3.A.2.1 Find unknowns represented by symbols in arithmetic problems by solving one-step open sentences (equations) and other problems involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Generate real-world situations to represent number sentences.
3.A.2.2 Recognize, represent and apply the number properties (commutative, identity, and associative properties of addition and multiplication) using models and manipulatives to solve problems.
Geometry & Measurement (GM)
3.GM.1 Use geometric attributes to describe and create shapes in various contexts.
3.GM.1.1 Sort three-dimensional shapes based on attributes.
3.GM.1.2 Build a three-dimensional figure using unit cubes when picture/shape is shown.
3.GM.1.3 Classify angles as acute, right, obtuse, and straight.
3.GM.2 Understand measurable attributes of real-world and mathematical objects using various tools.
3.GM.2.1 Find perimeter of polygon, given whole number lengths of the sides, in real-world and mathematical situations.
3.GM.2.2 Develop and use formulas to determine the area of rectangles. Justify why length and width are multiplied to find the area of a rectangle by breaking the rectangle into one unit by one unit squares and viewing these as grouped into rows and columns.
3.GM.2.3 Choose an appropriate measurement instrument and measure the length of objects to the nearest whole centimeter or meter. |
3.GM.2.4 Choose an appropriate measurement instrument and measure the length of objects to the nearest whole yard, whole foot, or half inch. |
3.GM.2.5 Using common benchmarks, estimate the lengths (customary and metric) of a variety of objects.
3.GM.2.6 Use an analog thermometer to determine temperature to the nearest degree in Fahrenheit and Celsius.
3.GM.2.7 Count cubes systematically to identify number of cubes needed to pack the whole or half of a three-dimensional structure.
3.GM.2.8 Find the area of two-dimensional figures by counting total number of same size unit squares that fill the shape without gaps or overlaps.
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