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Page history last edited by Brenda Butz 6 years, 8 months ago

7.D.1.2 Use reasoning with proportions to display and interpret data in circle graphs (pie charts) and histograms. Choose the appropriate data display and know how to create the display using a spreadsheet or other graphing technology.

In a Nutshell

Data can be displayed in a variety of ways. To determine the best display, students need to decide which version will most accurately interpret and represent the question being asked.  Circle graphs make the most sense to use when trying to compare parts of a whole. Histograms should be used to show frequency distribution. Spreadsheets allow data to be organized usefully and have the capability to create both circle graphs and histograms based on input from a user.

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop a productive mathematical disposition by understanding when it is appropriate to use certain data displays and how to use technology as needed.
  • Develop mathematical reasoning to answer questions about a given data set. 

  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving by giving students the opportunity to collect data and organize it in multiple manners.
  • Pose purposeful questioning to elicit evidence of student thinking as students select appropriate data displays. 

Key Understandings


  • Use given data to determine missing values of a circle graph;

  • Transfer the data from a table to the data in a circle graph;

  • Use given data to determine missing values.

  • Display and interpret data with a histogram;

  • Create circle graphs and histograms using technology (spreadsheet or other graphing technology).

  • Students may not use or choose the appropriate display for the given data (i.e. they will use or choose a circle graph when they should have used or chosen a histogram, and vice versa.) 

  • Students may confuse input numbers for each axis when inputting data. 


OKMath Framework Introduction

7th Grade Introduction


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