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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

7.A.2.4 Use proportional reasoning to assess the reasonableness of solutions.

In a Nutshell

Number sense is paramount to verifying whether solutions make sense. Proportions in a real-world context will help determine when answers are plausible. For example, The ratio of girls to boys at school is 5:4. If there are 600 boys at the school, is it reasonable that there would be 400 girls? Why or why not?

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop strategies for problem solving by using methods to verify answers in context and confirm that the solutions make sense.

  • Develop the ability to communicate mathematically why solutions may or may not make sense. Students should be able to analyze a given situation and communicate if the answer is plausible.

  • Develop mathematical reasoning by having students apply their login to assess the reasonableness of their solutions.


  • Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving by allowing students to decide which representations to use in making sense of problems.
  • Elicit and use evidence of student thinking to support students logic while assessing the reasonableness of solution.

  • Pose purposeful questions to students regarding the reasonableness of solutions.

  • Use and connect mathematical representations by comparing student strategies and solutions to determine reasonableness.

Key Understandings


  • Identify when proportional reasoning can be used and applied to real-world situations.

  • Estimate proportions to check if solutions make sense.

  • Organize ratios in a way that allows for easy and accurate solutions. 

  • Students may think just because values increase or decrease by a constant means it is automatically proportional.

  • Students may not recognize proportions represented in ways other than fractions ex. 1:4, one out of four, etc.


OKMath Framework Introduction

7th Grade Introduction



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