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Page history last edited by Tashe Harris 6 years, 7 months ago

7.A.2.1 Represent proportional relationships with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols, and graphs; translate from one representation to another. Determine and compare the unit rate (constant of proportionality, slope, or rate of change) given any of these representations.

In a Nutshell

Proportional relationships can be represented in a variety of ways.  Each representation can translate from one representation to another. Students should be able determine the correspondence between the different representations and translate from one representation to another. Using the different representations, students should be able to determine and compare the unit rate

Student Actions

Teacher Actions

  • Develop the ability to model proportional relationships as a table, verbal description, symbol or graph.
  • Develop the ability to communicate mathematically the correspondence between different types of representations of proportional relationships.

  • Use and connect the mathematical representations of proportional relationships to analyze the relationship to determine the unit rate.

  • Implement tasks that allow students to represent proportional relationships in a variety of ways and decide which representations to use in making sense of the problems.
  • Use and connect representations of proportions to students corresponding table, verbal description, symbol or graph.

  • Pose purposeful questions about different representations of proportional relationships.

Key Understandings


  • Represent proportional relationships with a table.

  • Represent proportional relationships with equations.

  • Represent proportional relationships graphically.
  • Compare different representations of proportional relationships to determine the unit rate.
  • Students may struggle in translating a proportional relationship to a different representation.

  • Students may struggle to see the correlation between various representations of proportional relationships.

  • Students may not divide correctly to determine the unit rate.

OKMath Framework Introduction

7th Grade Introduction


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