
5th Grade Introduction

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Saved by Brenda Butz
on November 15, 2017 at 11:30:18 am


Grade-Level Mathematics Actions and Processes
Descriptions of the Mathematics Actions and Processes provide a sense of what students are doing as they develop into mathematically literate students. 

Suggested Learning Progression (v2)

This year-long progression provides a sample vision for the learner experience that engages in meaningful, connected mathematics. 

Objective Analysis 

Analysis for each grade-level objective is provided in a manner to support deep understanding for the teacher. 

An Introduction to 5th Grade 

As students continue their math experience into fifth grade, their learning experience will focus on these central strands:  Numbers & Operations, Algebraic Reasoning and Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Data & Probability.  These strands will be addressed using real-world activities/lessons that warrant hands-on opportunities, while also promoting problem-solving, reasoning, modeling, questioning, and generalizing. This year will build upon students’ fourth-grade experience and is a springboard to middle school math courses.




Introduction to the OKMath Framework

5th Grade Introduction


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