Introduction to the OKMath Framework

Welcome to the Math Framework


With the adoption of the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Mathematics (OAS-M) in the spring of 2016, it has been the priority of the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) to ensure all Oklahoma educators are provided with the opportunity to deeply understand the instructional shifts needed to fully meet the intent of the standards while also supporting educators with a vision and resources that promote implementing the standards with fidelity.


For this Framework, educators have analyzed the standards and objectives and have provided guidance for learning progressions, unit design, and instructional task selection. For each and every objective in the new OAS-M, the OKMath Framework provides a rephrasing of the objective, referred to as "in a nutshell." This is followed by related Teacher Actions and Student Actions, inspired by NCTM's Effective Teaching Practices and the OAS-M Mathematical Actions and Processes, respectively. Beyond helping teachers understand what students and teachers are doing when learning the standards, each objective also has a list of Key Understandings and Common Misconceptions. 


Click on your grade level(s) below to see objective analyses, suggested learning progressions, and Oklahoma Mathematical Actions and Processes (MAPs).


Elementary Grade-Level Frameworks



Secondary Grade-Level Frameworks



Other Key Resources from the OSDE






Learn About the Framework Writers 

The Math Framework Writers are all Oklahoma educators who were selected from a large pool of applicants. The process for selection included responding to open-ended questions about their experience with the content and processes of the new Oklahoma Academic Standards for Mathematics and a sample lesson with an accompanying narrative. 


The arduous process of selecting the very best three educators led us to have a brilliant group of teachers with a diverse range of experiences and expertise. 


Meet Phase 1 and Phase 2 Framework Writers.





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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.